9 Quick Pick-Me-Up Power Moves

9 Quick Pick-Me-Up Power Moves

Let me give you a reason to arch over backward right now—and I do mean literally. Putting a fresh twist on your yoga practice can supply a mega shot of instant energy, which, let’s face it, we could all use at this time of year.

We’re always talking about the calming and restorative powers of yoga, and for good reason—there are slew of them! But the exercise is no one-trick pony. Backbend poses (like wild thing, for example) are amazing for releasing endorphins and enhancing energy. Crescent pose opens the heart, which releases stress in the chest and can actually make you feel lighter and brighter. Other twisting positions stimulate the digestive system, help improve circulation, or rev your internal fat burners to help you torch more calories across the hectic holidays. What’s more, it doesn’t take long to score all of these benefits—we’re talking as few as ten minutes, people!

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So whenever you need a pick-me-up—whether it’s very first thing in the morning, before an significant meeting, or after a frustrating argument with your significant other (or mother-in-law)—just go after this flow. Hold each pose for one to five breaths and repeat on both sides. Aim for three to five rounds total. Ready, set, energize!

Exercise one Downward-Facing Dog

Begin in plank pose with your arms slightly in front of your shoulders, fingers spread broad, and feet hip-width apart; raise your hips up and back until your figure forms an inverted V form.

Peak: Ease off your entire neck and take your gawp halfway back to your feet.

Exercise two Open Three-Legged Dog

From downward-facing dog, inhale as you raise your left gam off the floor, rotate your hips to the left, and arch your knee to bring your heel toward the right side of your butt.

Peak: Concentrate on releasing stress in your overworked hip flexors.

Exercise three Crescent Pose

Step your left foot in inbetween your forearms; keeping your left knee leaned and right gam straight, raise your pecs directly over your hips and extend your arms overhead.

Peak: Work on drawing your lower belly up while keeping your front knee over your heel and back gam straight (it’s stiffer than it sounds).

Exercise four Crescent Pose with Chest Opener

Without moving from crescent pose, reach both mitts behind you and interlock your fingers, straightening your arms; lift your chest and keep your hips facing forward.

Peak: Lengthen your inhales and exhales as you hold this pose.

Exercise five Crescent Twist

Release your right mitt from behind your back and place it on the mat, stacking your right shoulder over your wrist. Inhale, then rotate your pecs to the left as you extend your left arm overhead.

Peak: Let pressure out of the base of your neck and engage your right shoulder blade to help open your chest.

Exercise six Wild Thing

Look down as you roll onto the outer edge of your right foot. Bring more weight into your right arm as you pick your left foot up and over the hurdle of your right gam. Land on the ball of your foot and rotate your hips and chest toward the ceiling. Extend your left arm overhead, rotating the palm toward the floor as you unwind your head entirely.

Peak: Concentrate on pushing the entire foot of your right foot into the floor to propel your hips upward; this helps strengthen your shoulders and core.

Exercise seven Rock Starlet

Look down and place your left arm onto the floor and switch roles the movement to come back to plank position; rotate your hips and pecs to the right while bringing your left gam under your right, keeping both gams straight. Reach your right arm overhead.

Peak: Imagine spreading your ribs out like you’re opening a folded fan. Use the extra space inbetween your ribs to take deeper inhalations.

Exercise eight Ninja Plank

Without moving your gams, rotate your chest toward the floor and place your right palm on the floor directly under your shoulder. Make sure your hips are raised and your back vapid.

Peak: Keep your hips parallel to the floor.

Exercise nine Ninja Chaturanga

From ninja plank, arch your elbows to lower your figure toward the floor, keeping your back plane and core engaged; pause, then press back to ninja plank.

Peak: Exhale everything out as you shove back up to ninja plank.

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