Net Cetera: Talking with Kids About Being Online, Consumer Information

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Net Cetera: Goes Up (movie)

Helps kids learn why and how to stay safe online.

What parents need to know, where to go for more information, and issues to raise with kids about living their lives online.

The internet. It offers enormous opportunities to communicate!

Most of us – including kids – do all kinds of things online. We connect through email, text and instant messaging. We post and distribute pictures and movies.

We may have profiles on social networks, where we share our lives, our plans and our thoughts with hundreds of people.

These ways of communicating and socializing can be convenient and joy – yet they come with certain risks.

Many parents wonder, “how should I talk to my kids about being safe online?

A booklet called Net Cetera provides some practical tips. It’s based on the idea that the very first step to protecting kids online is more about talking than technology.

When kids want significant information, they turn to their parents.

So talk to them about your values – honesty, fairness, courtesy, or whatever values are most significant in your family – and how they apply in an online setting.

By communicating your values and expectations, you’ll help your kids make smarter, more thoughtful decisions when they face tricky situations online.

Here are some things to talk about:

Social Networking sites, talk rooms and blogs are some ways kids socialize online. They can help kids connect with friends, but it’s significant to help your children learn how to navigate these spaces securely.

Among the pitfalls: sharing too much information, and posting pictures or movie that can hurt someone’s feelings or harm a reputation.

Talk to your kids about applying good judgment to help minimize those pitfalls.

Most mobile phones have cameras and can shoot movie, making it effortless for teenagers to capture and share every moment on the go.

Encourage kids to think about their privacy and that of others before they share photos and movies.

Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online – and it’s a lose-lose proposition.

It makes the person being harassed feel bad – and it makes the hellion look bad.

Talk to your kids about treating others with respect, and let them know they can talk to you if someone harasses them.

If that happens, encourage your kids to block the hellion if they can, and disregard him or her if they can’t. That’s because hooligans are looking for a reaction.

If it proceeds, ask your kids to save the evidence and share it with you or another adult they trust.

Mean behavior usually stops pretty quickly when someone speaks up.

Encourage your kids to stand up for themselves, and to stand up for someone else being cyberbullied.

And talk to your kids about treating others online the same way they want to be treated.

Here are some other tips to keep in mind.

Begin early: Youthfull kids see their parents using brainy phones and computers. So as soon your kids use one themselves, it’s time to talk to them about safety.

Initiate conversations: Don’t wait for kids to come to you. Use everyday chances to talk with them: news stories about cyberbullying, a storyline on TV – both can be the embark of a good conversation.

Be patient: Most kids need puny bits of information repeated – often – for it to indeed drown in. Keep talking; chances are it’ll pay off.

Net Cetera: Talking with Kids About Being Online, Consumer Information

Consumer Information

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Net Cetera: Goes Up (movie)

Helps kids learn why and how to stay safe online.

What parents need to know, where to go for more information, and issues to raise with kids about living their lives online.

The internet. It offers enormous opportunities to communicate!

Most of us – including kids – do all kinds of things online. We connect through email, text and instant messaging. We post and distribute pictures and movies.

We may have profiles on social networks, where we share our lives, our plans and our thoughts with hundreds of people.

These ways of communicating and socializing can be convenient and joy – yet they come with certain risks.

Many parents wonder, “how should I talk to my kids about being safe online?

A booklet called Net Cetera provides some practical tips. It’s based on the idea that the very first step to protecting kids online is more about talking than technology.

When kids want significant information, they turn to their parents.

So talk to them about your values – honesty, fairness, courtesy, or whatever values are most significant in your family – and how they apply in an online setting.

By communicating your values and expectations, you’ll help your kids make smarter, more thoughtful decisions when they face tricky situations online.

Here are some things to talk about:

Social Networking sites, talk rooms and blogs are some ways kids socialize online. They can help kids connect with friends, but it’s significant to help your children learn how to navigate these spaces securely.

Among the pitfalls: sharing too much information, and posting pictures or movie that can hurt someone’s feelings or harm a reputation.

Talk to your kids about applying good judgment to help minimize those pitfalls.

Most mobile phones have cameras and can shoot movie, making it effortless for teenagers to capture and share every moment on the go.

Encourage kids to think about their privacy and that of others before they share photos and movies.

Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online – and it’s a lose-lose proposition.

It makes the person being harassed feel bad – and it makes the hooligan look bad.

Talk to your kids about treating others with respect, and let them know they can talk to you if someone harasses them.

If that happens, encourage your kids to block the hellion if they can, and overlook him or her if they can’t. That’s because hooligans are looking for a reaction.

If it proceeds, ask your kids to save the evidence and share it with you or another adult they trust.

Mean behavior usually stops pretty quickly when someone speaks up.

Encourage your kids to stand up for themselves, and to stand up for someone else being cyberbullied.

And talk to your kids about treating others online the same way they want to be treated.

Here are some other tips to keep in mind.

Embark early: Youthfull kids see their parents using brainy phones and computers. So as soon your kids use one themselves, it’s time to talk to them about safety.

Initiate conversations: Don’t wait for kids to come to you. Use everyday chances to talk with them: news stories about cyberbullying, a storyline on TV – both can be the begin of a good conversation.

Be patient: Most kids need puny bits of information repeated – often – for it to truly bury in. Keep talking; chances are it’ll pay off.

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